Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My Exercise Goal

I've never been one to regularly work out. Sure, I was on drill team (aka dance team or pom squad) in high school. I discovered yoga in college, was involved in a dance company and performed in several on-campus shows. Last spring, I trained for and completed a walking half marathon.

But I typically go through phases here and there, and I don't always make working out a priority.  When I say I am setting an exercise goal, most people would probably tell me I don't need one.  Yes, I may not need to lose weight... but I do need to get in shape.  I want to (dare I say it) enjoy working out... and I have found that I love dance, yoga, and walking.  I want to push myself a bit harder. I want to feel strong and have energy.  The biggest obstacle though is finding the ever-elusive time to hit the treadmill, practice yoga, or maybe even sweat it out with Just Dance 2 and our Wii.

To give myself a little trial run, I worked out this past Friday through Sunday.  Weekends are the best time for me to work out, but there was something different this time around... I tried to run a little.  On Friday, I wanted to see how long I could run before slowing to a walk.  I didn't time myself, but after a few minutes, my heart actually hurt and felt like it might beat out of my chest.  I knew I was okay, but I didn't want to risk a heart attack on the treadmill, so I walked for the rest of my session.  Saturday and Sunday went better since I paced myself a bit with shorter intervals. 

The perfectionist in me wants to just go for it, but I realized I need to take some time and build up strength and endurance.  I don't think I will ever be a runner, but I want to be healthy, no matter what activity I choose or what weight the scale reads.

The bottom line... I know myself.  I want to do it all, make plans, and fill up my calendar with anything but exercise.  In talking with Scott, I realized that there is really only one way I will dedicate time to exercise... bribery.  Yes, it's a method that has worked throughout my life.  I got M&Ms while being potty-trained, stickers and "free desserts" for good behavior growing up, and allowance for doing chores (hey, Mom and Dad, I guess it worked... though I am now quite a lover of chocolate after the M&Ms and free desserts!).

So here is my goal:
Work out three times a week for the next four weeks.

And here is my bribe...I mean, my reward:
A new item of athletic clothing/gear from Lululemon!

Start date: Monday, May 16
End date: Sunday, June 12

Three times a week might not sound like much.  But with class two nights a week, homework, work events, parties and trips, this next month is already looking booked.  I have the last couple weeks of classes and my finals due during that time period, as well as a trip to ND for my 5-year college reunion.  I wanted a realistic but somewhat challenging goal.  And now that I have told you all about my plan and I have a reward as an incentive, I am ready to take on this challenge.  I'll let you know how this adventure goes!

A fun, unique way to work out...
Flirty Girl Fitness class for a bachelorette party
Great way to strengthen arms and abs!
Flirty Girl Fitness class for a bachelorette party


  1. Hahahah the "my heart actually hurt and felt like it might beat out of my chest. I knew I was okay, but I didn't want to risk a heart attack on the treadmill, so I walked for the rest of my session" part made me are so funny!

  2. Good Luck Melissa. I think the best exercising advice is to think each day as a new opportunity, so if you mess up one day, you can still start again and do it right the next day.
    Sometimes the best thing I can do for my working out is to do 10 pushups first thing in the morning, as in step out of bed, and get on the floor right away for pushups, that way you already accomplished somthing within one minute of waking up!

    Don't forget too that there are many fun things that count as working out- golf, tennis, frisbee, dancing, having fun wiith Scott, window shopping... Have fun with this!

  3. Thanks for all the support!

    Julie - My stories are not nearly as funny as yours :)
    Amy - You are my inspiration!
    Marie - Great ideas... exercise is definitely easier when it is FUN! I love to work out with friends... keeps me accountable and makes the time fly by.


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