Wednesday, July 31, 2013

How to Handle Sticky Situations

Since becoming a business owner, I've become very aware of the fact that how I conduct business is completely up to me. This freedom is empowering and exhilarating... until I encounter a situation I'm not sure how to handle.

You know... those instances when you aren't sure what the best course of action is. You're left to brainstorm options, evaluate the pros and cons, make a decision, and move forward, whether you feel confident about it or not. But that makes it sound a lot easier than it really is.

When it comes to writing, we often think of the solitary writer, hunkered down in front of his or her computer. But in reality, writing involves more than just the writer. Readers, clients, collaborative partners, and lots of other people are a part of the process. And while that provides an opportunity for wonderful business relationships and creative conversations, it also opens the door for some sticky situations.

Tomorrow is the first day of August -- a month that's notoriously hot and sticky. So Sarah and I felt it was an appropriate time to address some "sticky situations" in our weekly writing newsletters. We'll be covering topics that are often tricky to navigate: communicating with tough clients, determining boundaries for what you share, contracts and setting expectations, and pricing and negotiations.

If you're not yet signed up, hop over to my website to subscribe. The first newsletter of the month arrives in inboxes tomorrow (Thursday)!

P.S. The past couple of weeks have been busy with work projects, baby preparations, and fun with friends. It feels like I'm trying to cram in as much as possible before this baby's arrival. I'm so (soooo!) excited to meet him or her, but the planner in me is having trouble not knowing when exactly that will be. 

In the meantime, life is busy enough to keep me distracted from the fact that I actually have to give birth to this bundle of joy... I'm hoping to post a few fun updates after I wrap up the last of my work projects, so stay tuned, my friends!


I'd love to hear from you!


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