Thursday, February 16, 2012

Guest Post on The Urban Slant: Leap of Faith

Today, I'm over at The Urban Slant, sharing more about my recent leap of faith!

Julia started her "Leap of Faith" series recently to profile people who have taken a risk to follow their dreams and pursue their passions... and that certainly resonated with me.  The other stories in the series have been such a source of inspiration, so I am honored to be among them.

Head over to The Urban Slant to read more!

A little round-up of things that inspire me!
logo / happily ever after print / just keep going / this is your life


  1. You're interview is great! You really dove into all the details of what it means to take a step out on your own. Totally inspired! Keep us all updated on how things are going. I know you're going to be a success.

  2. Thank you for stopping by! I loved hearing your story -- inspired me to post mine today. Keep doing what you love, and you'll continue to be fab! xo

  3. I just read your post over at Urban Slant and it was so inspirational! When we met I clearly didn't get to talk to you enough. :) Congratulations on your leap of faith, I'd love to talk more!


I'd love to hear from you!


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