Thursday, June 13, 2013

All Good Things

If there is one word to describe how I've been feeling lately, it's "overwhelmed." Unfortunately, when I have a lot going on, this little space usually falls down the priority list. So I'm sorry I haven't been posting as much, but the good news is that everything going on is good, fun, exciting.

Scott and I have been traveling a lot: Notre Dame for my sister J's graduation, Houston for my sister A's engagement celebration, one weekend "off," and then Minnesota for Scott's cousin's wedding. Now I'm heading home to Kansas for my first baby shower, wedding dress shopping with A., and Father's Day.

In the midst of all our weekend travels, work has been busy. I have a great mix of projects right now, and it feels like momentum is building. It's sometimes scary because I'm encountering a lot of new opportunities and challenges, learning as I go. But it's exciting because this is what I want, what I've been working towards. The little wrinkle in all of this... I have two months until my due date. And I'm still working on the best way to handle taking a "maternity leave" that allows me some time to adjust and get to know our new addition without losing this wonderful momentum.

Last week, Scott and I also celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary. I can't believe it's been 6 years since our first date and 3 years since our wedding day. After Scott came home with an armful of flowers (yay! I'm a lucky girl), we went out to dinner to celebrate. We're treasuring the days of sleeping in, going out, and having the flexibility of just being the two of us, but we're also so looking forward to meeting this baby!

In other news, I hit the 30-week mark on our anniversary. Now, we're sitting at 31 weeks, so less than 9 to go. Lately, I've been wanting to sleep and eat a lot... although both are becoming tougher as the baby grows, my belly expands, and my other internal organs feel more squished. My goal, throughout this pregnancy, has been moderation. I'm still doing yoga, should be taking more walks, eating a good amount of healthy foods, and definitely treating myself to plenty of sweets.

30 weeks!

My favorite maternity work-out top. So comfy!

Fruit salad (I could eat fresh pineapple all day, every day)

Fresh-from-the-oven brownie & ice cream

Banana-chocolate chip bread

Oh, and I got a haircut. For whatever reason, I decided to get some shorter layers in front, just to add some interest. I'm still getting used to the change, but it's fun to do something different.

That's it for my little update! Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Fruit salad and Banana-chocolate chip bread are looking so delicious.
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