Sunday, September 12, 2010

Back to School

Scott and I went to the ND-Michigan game this weekend and had a great time, despite the drizzling and cloudy weather and the tough ND loss (well, Scott didn't mind the final score much since he is a Michigan fan... I know, it's tough.)  We got to see some of my ND friends and their families, as well as go out to the bars college-style.  Thanks to my sister for letting us stay at her apartment!  It was so much fun to spend time with her.  I felt super-cool, treating her and her friends to pizza and some much-appreciated "hostess gifts"... which was good considering my sister introduced me with the comment "She's married!"  That might be true, but I still know what college kids want!

Being back at my alma mater made me miss those times in college when my friends and I would congregate, get ready for the night and head out for fun, then debrief the next morning and laugh about all the crazy times we had.  I think I was trying to relive the college days last night, and now I realize that I am a little too old for drinking too much and staying out too late.  It's Sunday night, I am just starting to be truly productive, and I have some homework to do.

That's right... homework.  I'm going back to school for a Masters in Writing and Publishing.  Last week was my first week, and I am really excited for my two classes.  It's not college though...  These days, I have something called a full-time job too.  A lot of my friends have juggled working full-time, going to school, and having some kind of social/personal life.  I know it's possible, but I also realize that it requires balance and prioritizing.  There are some things I am willing to give up and others that I refuse cut out.  I still want to see my friends, get enough sleep and spend time with my husband.  Going back to school will be a challenge, not just academically but also in finding time for what I need to do and want to do, in achieving a satisfying balance, in keeping my sanity.

Thankfully, I have plenty of support and some great role models.  For those of you who are balancing school, work and your personal life, how do you do it?  What advice do you have for someone like me, entering into this exciting but busy time?  What have you learned?  I'm all ears.

And now, I need to get back to my reading!

My reading list for one class.  Even for an avid reader like me,
the amount of reading required over ten weeks is a little intimidating!


  1. I did like the fact that Michigan did win! However, Notre Dame is a fun place to go out on Saturday Night. I love it when you can bring ten dollars out with you and come back with change :)

  2. I went to graduate school with 2 kids and working fulltime. I learned not to take things too seriously. For example, did you know that cereal is a complete dinner?! The kids didn't mind. I learned to use my resources like having the neighborhood kid babysit when I had late night classes. The girl I went to graduate school with (something to be said for the buddy system) had 5 children. It took us longer, but we finished. The most important reason that I finished and had a great time doing so was the support of my husband. He didn't care about the house or the fact that the kids were all over the place. He used humor to help us over the shakey spots. He was proud of my accomplishments.

    We are proud of you going back to school and look forward to graduation.

  3. You are learning about something that you love and following your dream! Try not to stress. Enjoy the process of learning as time does fly by. Scott is so supportive of you, which is very important. Appreciate him and know that we are here to help also. We are so proud of you!
    P.S. I did NOT like the fact that ND lost!

  4. You will succeed! Happiness comes from above! We are all so proud of you. I never knew you could paint (other topic on your blog). You did a nice job with each step. You are so smart that you only peripherally "helped" me when you were growing up with "chores", but still got the essence of the job. Dad

  5. Thanks, Dad :) I think I like to supervise chores more than participate. I appreciate everything you have taught me! Even if I still don't feel confident about changing a tire, I can sink a freethrow and make some pretty good chocolate-chip pancakes.

    Thank you to everyone for your support! It's been busy so far but I am loving my classes.


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